Bampton in Devon

Bampton in Devon

Council news here

Bampton Primary School - The new school progress report (6):

MAY 6th 2008 - THE NEW SCHOOL OPENS - A big thumbs up from children, parents, and teachers. "A dream comes true."


A welcome at the school's main entrance

Wiating to go in

Excitement builds and pupils wait to go in

The excitement builds!

The moment arrives...

First school assembly in the new hall

The first school assembly in the new hall

Red class

Red class

Blue class

Blue class

Yellow class

Yellow class

The youingest pupils move in

... and the youngest pupils settle in.

Parents get the tour

Parents go walkabout with the headteacher

Exploring the playground

Pupils go walkabout in the new play areas

Look at all this space!

Look at all this space!

Trying out the swings

Trying out the new swings

...and getting down to work

And finally getting down to work....



Back to previous pictures - moving in

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